The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My new jobs!

So I'm finally working again. Its been nice to not be busy and have a break for the last month or two. But I have started two new jobs. One day a week I help a women from our church with her in home daycare. It gives her a break and a morning that she can take easier. I enjoy it and it reminds me of working in the early childhood center last year. There are alot of boys! Oh my goodness. But anyway...
My other job just happened to fall into place. I was talking with a friend from church and she was sharing with me about how she was feeling stressed lately, especially about homeschooling her daugter who is taking kindergarten this year. I offered to help her, maybe giving her a day off once in a while. And she responded by offering me a job as her private teacher. So I teach her three days a week and it gives me a chance to actually use my degree. :)
So thats what has been keeping me away from the blog lately. Hopefully I'll have more to post about soon.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

That so cool! All the fun of teaching without all the paperwork! Sorry I missed you this morning...turns out Mondays are the best Thrift store days!


At 8:33 PM, Blogger tammi said...

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At 8:35 PM, Blogger tammi said...

Ok, I had to remove that first post because I published it before I spell-checked it and it was truly horrendous. It looked like a kindergartner with Elmer's in his eyes typed it. What I said WAS:

Cool! How old is the daughter? THat is so great for your Shar - I'm really happy for you!


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