The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Where did all this stuff come from?

So we have been spending time the last couple days packing and I have to tell you I'm in shock at some of the stuff we have. We have only been married a year so in theory we shouldn't have that much stuff, but we do. I know its our own fault for not going through the stuff from our old apartments when we got married, but this is crazy. It doesn't help that our parents gave us all of our stuff from our childhood when we got married. I'll admit it I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but this move will be over soon. So if you don't hear from me in couple days, I'm probably buried under some boxes that I was trying to pack. LOL.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

it doesn't get any better from here on out....

sorry I lost your calls yesterday...crazy mountains...

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Vanessa said...

hey! Are you still alive? I am even if my dumb phone isn't! Thinking of you...


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