The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Visit from Home

Surprisingly I haven't been horribly homesick since we moved to Indiana. But I will admit that there have been moments that I just wanted friends and family. This last week we get our first visitors from home. It was so fun. My "second family" came down for a visit and I got to see 3 of my "little sisters and brother." We had a lot of fun showing them around. Of course, when we were at home Joel started a rough and tumble round of wrestling. They love wrestling with him and this time I was able to avoid most of it by taking pictures. I have to admit it was hilarious. We miss these guys so much so it was awesome to have them come and visit.


At 7:30 PM, Blogger tammi said...

Looks like fun, but where's alicia? :)

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Shari Ann said...

Alicia wasn't able to come. She stayed with her Aunt.


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