The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Our New Home!! (part 1)

So as promised, here our some pictures of our new place. We are (almost) moved in and unpacked. We enjoy our new house, its super spacious, at least for us. These are just pics of the outside, living room, bedroom and spare room. I'll give you more pictures of the rest of the house when we get them. We are settling in and adjusting. The house isn't fully decorated or anything, but we are getting there. The move went really well. Nothing really got hurt. A couple scratches on our desk and a bookshelf, but nothing that you can really see. The only major victim of the move was my wonderful karaoke machine. I am currently mourning the loss of the screen on my karaoke machine. Joel is still looking into it, but the screen does not work as of right now. Hopefully he can get it fixed, since its not even a year old. sigh. Anyway, I'll post some more pictures when we take them. I have lots of things to update you on, so I'll blog again soon.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Vanessa said...

WOW! You've gotten so much done! I'm super impressed and outside looks adorable.

It brings back memories of our first place...good times!

At 8:26 AM, Blogger tammi said...

super cute!
I too, can't believe how much you've got done. You need to get pregnant so you don't have so much time on your hands. :) lol
So is it a 2 or 3 bedroom? Is the spare room and the office space the same room? I couldn't tell...
HAve fun unpacking....
love ya.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Shari Ann said...

Thanks guys. It is two bedrooms, so the office stuff is in the spare room. We have a lot of extra space, with a unfinished, but carpeted basement and tons of closets.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so will my room be ready for Sept? :)


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