The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Our New Home (part 2)

Here is some more pictures of our house. The first is our backyard. (nice and big for youth group games) Then the dining room. A couple shots of the kitchen. And finally our beautiful (notice the nice floral carpet) unfinished basement. Its still a mess down there, but I took pictures anyway for you. (So no more complaining Tammi) :) We also have a couple bathrooms, walk in closets, and a garage, but you can probably live without seeing those. We like it and its starting to feel like home so that is good. Hope you like.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger tammi said...

How about a million questions to start things off:
1.Did you buy a pool for the backyard or is that the neighbor's?
2.Have you met the neighbor yet?3.they nice?
4.did the shelving in the basement come with the house or did you get it?
5. love that retro lamp above the table - reminds me of Pizza Hut in the 1990's. REmember those?
6. What are you going to get first: a dog or a cat?
7. With all that crap in the spare room, where will you put a baby? :)
8. ok...i'll stop now.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree... what's the news on the baby front... lol

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Shari Ann said...

Time for some answers.
1. It is our cute neighbor girls'.
2&3. Yes. We have really nice neighbors.
4. It came with
5. Yes I totally see that.
6. Dog
7. When we need it, we will make it work.
8. Thank goodness.

Hi Justin

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the backyard makes me that weird?

totally pizza hut...get some of those red glasses, okay?

joel and shari
sittin in a tree
k i s s i n g
first comes love
then comes a pain in the neck church experience,
THEN comes baby in the baby carriage.

yeah, any time now...


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