The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Where did the last year go?

It was a year ago today that Joel and I FINALLY got married. I am shocked that it has actually been a year, we have done so much in the last year and everything has changed, but at the same time nothing has. You are still the man I fell in love with six years ago. I love you with all my heart and I know that God knew we would be here now, but I just never expected this when we met. You are the biggest blessing in my life and I can't imagine doing "life" without you. I'm not trying to be corny (sappy maybe but not corny.) I just want to say thank you for completing me so well. You truly are the other half of my heart. And I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. I'm sure its going to be an awesome adventure.

P.S. Jacob we sure beat your wedding day prediction!!! LOL


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It has been a wonderful year, full of its ups and downs, but it was great! I'm really looking forward to every year to come. I love you Shari and thank you so much for the wonderful words.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Pilgrim said...

I think he gave you two weeks :P. Wow I can't believe that was a year ago. Life needs to slow waaayyy down.


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