The Beauty Of Grace Is That It Makes Life Not Fair!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Talmage

Our dear friends, Ben and Randi, got married last saturday. Ben was Joel's roommate in college and Randi was mine. They were one of our first couple friends and we love them so much. It was so exciting to see them get married. We have been waiting to celebrate with them for a long time. Randi was gorgeous and everything looked perfect just like I knew it would. They had their reception at a church and there was a youth room arcade close by that they used. It was absolutely hilarious to see them doing Dance Dance Revolution on their wedding day. It made me smile. We love you guys! Hope your honeymoon was awesome!

This Makes Six

Last thursday, my sister-in-law and brother had a baby. Its a little boy named Kendrick James. He is so cute. It makes four in their family. We drove up on thursday night and got there just in time. My other nephews and niece are so cute with him. Joel and I had fun spending time with the kids this week.

Home Sweet Home

We have had such a whirlwind of a week. Joel and I have been on the go non-stop the whole time. Its been really fun and we have got to see lots of friends and family. I'll post more later about all the details when I have time, but for now its just nice to be home in my own house with nothing I have to go do. Sigh. What a relief.

Monday, October 02, 2006

We're going to Poland!

Now that it has been officially announced, I can tell you all that Joel and I are going to Poland. Twice in the next year! Joel has been working hard on planning the next year for the youth group and one of the things that has developed is a youth missions trip to Poland. Next summer Joel and I will be leading a trip to Poland with 15 of the teens in our youth group. But at the end of November and the beginning of December, we are going over to Poland to do some planning and scouting for the trip. We are so excited about this trip. It is going to be a lot of work in the next year, but we have a great team that we are working with. So its going to be amazing. We'll keep you posted on the progress.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Diva turns 2

So saturday was my niece's birthday party. She turned the big "2." It was kinda fun to have a girlie birthday party after years and years of boy toys. Abby was in her glory. She loves to be the center of attention. All of the presents were bright pink or purple with lots glitter. She got hair pretties, makeup, dress up stuff and anything else you can imagine. We had lots of fun since its been a while since we have seen them. It was also fun to play with the boys on their new trampoline. The best picture of the day was Abby rocking out on her new guitar from her big brother. She got it on and couldn't put it down. And of course you can't play guitar without wearing the matching sunglasses. Anyway it was a fun weekend.